Krzysztoffajny | 42
Krzysztoffajny | 42
  • Login: Krzysztoffajny3
  • Activity: Online
2023-10-14 21:05:35
2023-06-23 19:04:17
Mał Gosia :)
Szkoda że nie jestem młodsza
2023-05-03 21:43:48
2023-03-09 08:39:20

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Information about me

My name: Krzysztoffajny

My age: 42

Gender: Male

I live in: Słupca | Polska

My marital status: Single male

I am looking for: Women

Body building: Slim

My eyes color: Grey

My hair color: Dark blonde

Height: 182 cm

Current profession: Physical worker

Education: Vocational

Do I want children?: I don't know

Children: I don't have

Do I drink alcohol?: I like occasionaly

Do I smoke?: I smoke

I am seeking: Love

Method of verification: Verification made by SMS.

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