Leya | 52
Leya | 52
  • Login: rusi72
witaj pozdrawiam uroczo wyglondasz na tych fotkach
2016-03-25 23:24:44
fajna jestes super !!!!!!!!!!
2015-11-30 00:28:19
2014-04-24 04:20:22

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Information about me

My name: Leya

My age: 52

Gender: Female

I live in: Warszawa | Polska

My marital status: Divorced female

I am looking for: Men

Body building: Normal

My eyes color: Blue

My hair color: Highlights

Height: 173 cm

Current profession: Employee in retail

Education: Secondary

Do I want children?: No

Children: I have

Do I drink alcohol?: I like occasionaly

Do I smoke?: I don't smoke

I am seeking: Friendship, Love, Sex, Men

More about me: Poprostu normalna dziewczyna

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