Romek | 51
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Romek | 51
- Login: Romekleon
- Report
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Send fast message:
Information about me
My name: Romek
My age: 51
Gender: Male
I live in: Kąty Wrocławskie | Polska
My marital status: In separation:
I am looking for: Women
Body building: Slim
My eyes color: Blue
My hair color: Dark blonde
Height: 185 cm
Current profession: Other
Education: Higher-incomplete
Do I want children?: I don't know
Children: I have
Do I drink alcohol?: I like occasionaly
Do I smoke?: I don't smoke
I am seeking: Friendship, Love, Women
More about me: Humorystycznie podchodzę do wielu spraw co ułatwia podejście do rzeczywistości.Jednakże potrafię też trzeźwo spojrzeć na świat oczami typowego faceta.
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